Map 631-640
Border marker 631
Situated on the other side of the dam. A bit hidden behind some safety installations.
On the second picture you see the bared wire to prevent you from crossing the river.
Border marker 632
Situated on Krenholm island. This island is part of the Narva Museum. In the earlier days a textile factory was situated. The island is only accessable as part of a guided tour
organized by the museum.
Second picture: high fences on the opposite side as well.
Border marker 633
Also on the Krenholm island. During my private tour on the island, I was interrogated by the border police.
They were only interested in the visa in my passport, maybe they thought I was a spy.
Border marker 634
Another bridge between Narvan and Ivangorod. Called 'Narva-2 Piiripunkt'. Local pedistrians can cross the border here.
This border marker is inside the terrain of the border crossing.
Border marker 635
On a low part of the bank of the river. Only visible from a higher situated small road.
Border marker 636-1
The Eastonian border marker on the railway bridge. This one on the southern side of the tracks. Not easy to picture due to all the fences.
Border marker 637-1
Only a few meters from BM637. This one is one the northern side of the tracks.
On the second picture a nice view along the bridge. I had to climb a bit to get a nice position.
Border marker 638
Away from the danger zone.
On the background another hydroelectric power station, Narvskaya Ges.
Border marker 639
Situated on a little hill.
Border marker 640
Most eastern point of Estonia. Situated on the island Joaoru Saar, which is now made to a kind of park.
Quite special and unreal: fisherman, mothers with babies, couples in love and a look
on the Ivangorod Fortress, the Narva Fortress and the Friendship Brigde.
The 5 Krooni banknote
The picture on the old 5 Krooni banknote was made here. A special place to be:
A view on the Ivangorod Fortress, the Narva Fortress which is a museum now and the Friendship Brigde. The connection between
democracy and terrorism. Between freedom and hell.
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