Hungary / Ukraine, border markers 225 - 235

SK-UA 187-202 225-235 236-246 247-256 Vylok RO-UA

Bordermarkers 225 - 235
This was the first part of the border hikes I made along the border between Hungary and Ukraine.
I started on the hill, east of Barabas as there was a path leading to the bordermarkers 256. And I ended downhill at 225.

EE-RU  20160415 Map XX
Under construction.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 225
This is where I ended the hike. The border goes to the west, but I returned to my car. That was not so easy, everywhere swamp and water on the meadows and fields.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 226
You can easily see it's a wet area here. Most probably most water comes from the hills.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 227
On the Ukrainian side there is a sandstrip and an inspection road. Also a fence on which a sign with the number of the border marker.

In summertime I think this is a path but now it's flooded. I had no chance at all to stay dry even if I had made a detour. Point with the mouse on the picture for some details of my legs.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 228
Same situation as at 226.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 229
A nice and clean border strip with the warning sign "Allamhatar!', which means border in Hungarian.
On the background you see the pair 230 and the hunters tower at 231.

Border marker 230

Border marker 231
A small hunters' tower with a view over some Hungarian fields close to the border.
From here the border makes a 90 degrees angle and goes uphill.

Border marker 232
Quite steep. The border line itself is not visible. On the Hugarian side there is hardly any inspection path. However on the second picture you can recognize a kind of corridor.

Border marker 233
Not so easy to make a decent picture of this pair. The second picture gives a nice overview of the border area downhill. You also see the puddles of water on the fields which I had to face...

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 234
Now I'm almost on the top of the hill. The border makes some angles here, on the left there is already the 235 pair.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 235
Very close to the pair 234. Notice the broken Ukrainian border marker on the left. Although it was replaced, it was not removed yet.

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SK-UA 187-202 225-235 236-246 247-256 Vylok RO-UA