Underground border Luxembourg - France

The mines Underground borders

Underground border Luxembourg - France

We visited these mines with our guide to find marked border crossing tunnels. Our guide knew exactly where to go. And so we took a route which crossed the border many times. We found nine places where the border was indicated by a white line and with country names. We even foud one border point where the was a F|L plate.
Warning: Entering the mines is strictly forbidden.
Never enter the mines without an experienced guide. It's one big dark labyrinth full of risks and danger!
It's easy to come into trouble and once you are lost you are in big trouble and you might not survive!

Map with route
Map with the route we hiked underground.
1 on the map
Close to border stone 78.
Not a white line here but the iron pipe could mark the border as well. 'France' is not readable anymore, but Luxemburg is still there.
2, 3 and 4 on the map
Between 76-II and 76-III.
The tunnel between 1, 2, 3 and 4 runs along the border. It's called 'Galerie Frontière'. All those tunnels have functional names, like 'Galerie Parallèle' and 'Diagonalle I'. Also some tunnels were named 'Galerie de roulage' which means rolling tunnel. I think those tunnels have rail tracks.
Close to border stone 76-I
Some tunnels are closed by walls. But many of them have again holes so that we could pass.
Between 76-II and 76-III.
Here tunnels are splitting. I think it was written 'Grenzstrecke' which is German for border line.
Many signs are in German. Only 'France' is French.
A huge wall closes a tunnel here as well. On the left Luxemburg (as written in German), on the right Lothringen (also in German).
A better overview of the spot.
Just a bit north of border stone 70, so between 69-V and 70.
Again a clear border sign. This marker is close to #8, but on a different level.
The border runs diagonally here.
6 on the map
Between border stone 71 and 71-I
Again a clear marking the border. Here the signs are written in French.
We crossed the border here several times but most of the crossings were not marked.
7 and 9 on the map
The border runs diagonally here.
The next one at border stone 65-III
The ceilings are propped here, the tunnel is closed with a brick wall.
Detail of the marking.
8 on the map
Number 5 is close to here, but on a different level.
Between 69-V and 70
The last one. At border stone 59.
Here in the 'Galerie Flora' a main tunnel were trains run to an exit, is a real plate marking the border.
Here is also a gate in the tunnel.
From here we had to take a long detour to reach an exit close to the entrance we took in the morning.
Before returning to the light, Eef, our guide and me had our lunch here in the dark.
A very special experience.

The mines Underground borders