Map 103 - 135
Nort-West of Tarna Mare.
The Iveco Massiv of the Border Police which we took back after the long hike. It was hot and my guides were thirsty.
Border marker 103
In fact, this was the end of the tour. It was already after 16:00h and it was time to stop. If I wanted I could join an other
patrol to go further south but I was quite tired after two long and difficult hikes today.
Border marker 106
BM 104 and 105 we skipped. According Bobo it's not clear how the border runs and they are hard to find. Besides that, the area is
alomst unaccessable due to the bushes and the canals.
Water and mud
Just to give an impression about the conditions....
Border marker 107
Hard to reach. I had to struggle many compact bushes. Imagine how it's here in summer...
My guides
In the front Adrian, on the background Bobo. The border runs about 50 meters in the bushes at the right.
Border marker 108
The Ukrainian copy, well maintained.
On the second picture the Romanian copy, which lost it's shield.
In these bushes it's impossible to take a picture with both markers.
Border marker 110
Taken -of course- from the Romanian side. The stone covers the real state border. In this area most bordermarkers are covered by
a stone without inscription.
Border marker 111
Again not that easy to reach.
Border marker 112
The Ukrainian side is more open and maintained than the Romanian side. My guides admitted that they don't make much effort in
cleaning the border strip. The Ukrainians however do.
This was the last for today.
Border marker 133
On the last day of my trip I first visited the border markers 145-155. After that exhausting trip Adrian took me to some some
border markers in the area of the barracks ofthe Border Police in Tarna Mare.
This one is fully covered by bushes.
Border marker 134
Again open on the Ukrainian side but almost unaccessable on the Romanian side.
Border marker 135
In the past here was a border crossing for pedestrians only but they closed it many years ago.
On the second picture you see a close-up.
Now there are plans to make a new bigger border crossing at 134.
View with watch tower
A view from BM 133 to the north. Notice the Ukrainian watch tower.
Last view
Also taken from the little hill where I found 133.
The village is Tarna Mare, the border runs behind the village.
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