Map 501-510
Border marker 501
Although it's only one kilometer from Värska, we are now entering the swampy area. Here is the last possibility for normal cars
to reach the border. Long gangways make it possible to inspect the border without getting wet feet.
Border marker 502
The Estonian border marker looks very fresh.
Border marker 503
Border marker 504
Again a long gangway to 505.
Border marker 505
Border marker 505A
No sub-marker yet. Maybe in summer 2017.
Border marker 506
The last for our April 2017 tour. Picture: April 2017
Border marker 506
Here is started in July 2017. Everything looks green now. In the meantime the Estonian copy was erected. In fact, the Estonians finished
placing their border markers in May 2017. Now the whole land border is covered.
Picture: July 2017
Near border marker 506
The end of the April 2017 trip. From here on it will be very swampy. The Border Guards advised me to come back in summer,
the water would not be so high and it's easier to follow the border then.
In fact, I was unlucky: the water was still rather high due to heavy rain falls so it took me quite some effort to reach 507.
Picture: April 2017
Border marker 506A
Even in this swampy area an Estonian sub-marker, 506A.
Picture: July 2017
Border marker 507
You wouldn't presume, but it's really swampy here. From here I couldn't continue and had to skip 508 until 521.
Picture: July 2017
Border markers at Border Kordon Värska
When I visited the office of the Border Guards in Värska in April 2017 I found the last bundle of border markers to be placed.
Picture: April 2017
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