Moldova / Ukraine

Intro 0001-0204 0478-0570 (PMR) 0571-0600 0601-0700 0701-0710 0711-0720 0721-0730 0731-0740 0741-0750 0751-0760 0761-0770 0771-0781
Bordermarkers 0701 - 0710
During this last day of my September expedition I did Troiţcoe and Carabiber. I had to walk long stretches to reach all the bordermarkers.
EE-RU  20160415 Map 0701-0710
Troiţcoe and the 'penis' at Carabiber. The black line displays the old USSR border.

Border crossing Troiţcoe
The local border crossing for pedestrians between Troiţcoe and Vysochans'ke is closed. It looks it's closed recently. On the other side, it doesn't look very old. On an old map (1982-1991) you don't find this connection between the two villages. So it must be rather new.

A closer look at the map.
First picture: OpenStreetMap which shows the current situation (2023), diplaying a white road between Troiţcoe and Vysochans'ke;
Second picture: Topographic map Moldova 1981 and elaborated in 1991 when the current borders were agreed. No connection between the two villages.

Border crossing Vysochans'ke
Also on Ukrainian side there is a closed border post.
If you look at the narrow path crossing the border (second picture), it looks like the crossing is used.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0701
Back to the bordermarkers: this one, situtated west of the border crossing covers a 90 degrees angle close to an electrity mast. I always ask myself: in which direction the electricity will flow?
In Troiţcoe the border markers are close to eachother.

EE-RU  20160415 Intermediate bordermarker 0701-01
The border runs along the small Ukrainian village Vysochans'ke which is disconnected from Moldova by the well known wall, didge and in this case some bared wire on Moldovan side.

Border marker 0702
The same electricity cables.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0703
Last border marker in Troiţcoe.
From here the border runs in a straight line to the west.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0704
Via some small farmer roads I could easily reach BM 0704.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0705
The border runs along the bumpy road to the small village Carabiber. In parallel you see the Ukranian wall + didge.

Border marker 0706
Easy to follow the course of the border here. From here you see the angles of BM 0707 and 0708. You also see the long stretch to BM 0709.

Border marker 0707
The west part, so the say the glans of the penis was originally Ukrainian. When the current border was agreed, the area west of the line from BM 0707/0708 to the north became Moldovan.
The old border followed the course of a creek. I indicated it on the map above.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0708
From here the border turns to the East again.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0709
It was quite a long hike to BM 0709 and BM 0710 as the stoney sand road leading from Carabiber to the east was too bumpy and sometimes too steep. It was however worth the hike: the reward was a beauful view.

EE-RU  20160415 Border marker 0710
No path or road here. From BM 0709 to here I had to follow the edge of a field.

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Intro 0001-0204 0478-0570 (PMR) 0571-0600 0601-0700 0711-0720 0721-0730 0731-0740 0741-0750 0751-0760 0761-0770 0771-0781