Intro | 0001-0204 | 0478-0570 (PMR) | 0571-0600 | 0601-0610 | 0611-0620 | 0621-0630 | 0631-0640 | 0641-0650 | 0651-0660 | 0661-0670 | 0671-0680 | 0681-0690 | 0691-0700 | 0701-0781 |
Map 0611-0620 Here we have the strange situation of an Ukrainian road passing through Moldova. It enters Moldova at border marker 0609 and it leaves Moldova at 0613. It's the Ukrainian M15, which runs from Odessa via Reni to Romania. It's not allowed to leave the road on Moldovan territory except via the international border station Palanca - Maiaki - Udobnoe. At the edge of Palanca there is also a very small local border crossing which gives access to the transit road M15.
Border marker 0611 This border marker does not exist, according to the information of the Poliția de Frontieră. The angle in the border is in the middle of a swamp. You see it on the previous map.
Border marker 0612 Now we are at the other end of the transit road. Again a small strip between the swamp and the road. Without guidance of the Moldovan Poliția de Frontieră it's impossible to come here. Again we felt privileged and very lucky to be allowed to visit this place.
Border marker 0612-01 An intermediate border marker where the border makes an angle towards the M-15.
Border marker 0613 On the other side of the road. Again no border formalities here. On the background an Ukrainian fence with barbed wire.
Border marker 0614 We leave the sensitive and complicated area and are now south west of Palanca. Beside the barbed wire here starts a deep ditch plus wall the Ukrainians made to prevent young men and other refugees from avoiding military service.
Border marker 0615 In the feelds under Palanca.
Border marker 0616 In the fields under Palanca. Notice the anti-tank ditch, the fence and the barbed wire.
Border marker 0617 Almost two kilometers to the west. Borders here are characterized by long straight lines.
Border marker 0618 An old sign ordering to stop. The official distance you have to keep from the state border is 15 meter.
Border crossing Tudora For the next border marker we had to pass the border station 'Tudora'. A kind border guard joined us to the border marker. This picture shows the view on the border station when you enter it from the Ukrainian side.
Border marker 0619 On the right side of the road. On the left you see trucks waiting for entrance into Moldova. On Ukrainian side also here a fence and a deep ditch.
Border marker 0620 Again in a silent area about 4 kilometers from the border crossing Starokozache - Tudora. |
Intro | 0001-0204 | 0478-0570 (PMR) | 0571-0600 | 0601-0610 | 0611-0620 | 0621-0630 | 0631-0640 | 0641-0650 | 0651-0660 | 0661-0670 | 0671-0680 | 0681-0690 | 0691-0700 | 0701-0781 |